There is something powerful about creativity, particularly about creating a visual image, that can be deeply healing. And you don't have to be any great artist to work this magic.
One of my favorite artistic media for this purpose is collage. If you can work a pair of scissors and a glue stick, that's all the skill you need to make deeply meaningful and often beautiful collages.
I have a monthly SoulCollage® group that meets in my home here in Pearland, Texas. We meet on a Saturday for 2 hours to make collages and share them with each other. Let me know if you're interested in attending. Read more about the purpose and benefits of collaging.
I also love drawing, painting, and photography. And journaling, poetry, and music! God can use all kinds of ways to heal us through art. Contact me for an appointment to explore your own growth and healing in an individual session.
For more about how God has used art in my personal healing, see my guest post in Abbey of the Arts from September, 2019.